David John Cawdell Irving

Born on March 24, 1938, Irving is the son of a Royal Navy commander. He attended Imperial College of Science & Technology and University College London and later spent time in Germany working in a Thyssen steel mill to improve his German language skills.

He is known for his extensive archival research and has published around thirty books, with notable works including “Hitler’s War”, “The Trail of the Fox: The Life of Field-Marshal Rommel“, and “Göring: a Biography”. He has also translated several works by other authors.

David Irving lived for over thirty years in Grosvenor Square, London, and is the father of five daughters. His youngest daughter is Jessica, while his other daughters are Josephine (who tragically passed away in 1999), Pilar, Paloma, and Beatrice.

Irving’s first major publication was “The Destruction of Dresden” in 1963, which became a bestseller. He has also written works only published in German, such as documentation on the 1944 Morgenthau Plan, and continues to work on historical biographies.