4.7 (76)

Amazing Animal Homes

by Chris Packham
4.7 (76)
“Highly recommended for animal studies, browsers, and independent readers. An informative, well-designed book.” —School Library Journal
All animals need homes—and this nonfiction picture book is a fantastic introduction to some of the amazing places they live.
Travel around the world to see different animal habitats, from honeybees that live together in hives to snails that hibernate in their shells during winter. You’ll meet tree-dwelling creatures like the ruffled lemur; snow leopards that take shelter in a cave; porcupines that dig burrows underground; and even animals who carry their homes around on their backs. Filled with fascinating facts and beautiful illustrations, this is a wonderful nonfiction picture book and a fabulous follow-up to our
Amazing Animal Journeys and Amazing Animal Babies.
Publication date
  • August 1, 2018