More from Maurice and Bouncer, and the hapless Rev. Oughterard.
Foreign parts and fresh imbroglios! This time the Rev Francis Oughterard, persuaded by blackmailing Nicholas Ingaza, journeys to the French Auvergne engaged on yet another project of dubious kind and painful embarrassment. Pursued by murderous thugs and ensnared in the posturings of a cranky religious sect, Francis and his new companions – plus stowaways Maurice and Bouncer – blunder their way through a network of absurd and perilous escapades which temporarily, at any rate, distract the vicar from his own dark secret…
Praise for the series:
‘I think this is tremendous – amusing and professional’ Dame Beryl Bainbridge
‘E F Benson crossed with Jerome K. Jerome’ The Times audiobook review
‘Perfect one-sitting summer read’ Laura Wilson
‘An intriguingly quirky read!’ Leslie Phillips, OBE