FOX FIVE RELOADED (Charlie Fox crime mystery thriller series)
by Zoe Sharp
‘Charlie Fox. In short bites. With sharp teeth.’
This short story collection follows ex-Special Forces soldier turned bodyguard, Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Fox, from a disused viaduct in Lancashire, via the wilds of Dartmoor, swanky Long Island, and a spa hotel in the Catskill Mountains, to the war-torn Middle East. Danger and thrills go along for the ride.
A Bridge Too Far
Postcards From Another Country
Served Cold
Off Duty
Truth And Lies
Across The Broken Line
Kill Me Again Slowly
Risk Assessment
*“If Jack Reacher were a woman, he’d be Charlie Fox.” Lee Child
*“I highly recommend this series!” Ian Rankin
*“Arguably one of the most enigmatic—and coolest—heroines in contemporary genre fiction.” Paul Goat Allen, Chicago Tribune
*“What really makes (the whole series) shine is how Charlie’s kickass skills are rooted in her own femininity and character.” Sarah Weinman
*“Zoë Sharp is at the top of her game … one of the sharpest, coolest, and most intriguing writers I know.” Harlan Coben
*“Charlie’s skills are both formidable and for real.” New York Times
*“The only issue I had was life getting in the way of wanting to just immerse myself in the world Zoe Sharp creates so vividly!”
*“Charlie Fox is as lethal as ever.”
*“In a nutshell, Charlie Fox and Zoe Sharp rock!”
*“It is Charlie Fox and the stiletto-sharp (no pun intended) writing skills of Zoë Sharp that will stick with you after reading these stories. I was unaware of this excellent series before now; but you can damn well bet I will be seeking out more. Highly recommended!”
*“If you’ve never read any of Charlie Fox thriller series, these short stories are a great way to meet Charlie at her best.”
*“This tension-filled and suspenseful collection is a thrilling read that will have you clamouring for more.”
*“I loved it so much I read it twice!”
*“I see the character of Charlie Fox compared to some of the top fictional male action heroes. The reviewers and blurbs have it wrong. The men should be compared to Charlie.”
Publication date
- August 16, 2021