Louise Arnold

Golden & Grey (An Unremarkable Boy and a Rather Remarkable Ghost) actually evolved from a story I wrote when I was in junior school for a writing competition. It involved a mildly inept ghost called Boo, and his inability to be scary. Fifteen years later, nudged on by a BBC online competition, I dug the story out from the murky recesses of my memory, and ran at it again. The opening paragraph I concocted won, and from there I was contacted by an agent, introduced to a publisher, and my feet haven’t really hit the ground since.

I’m currently working on a third book, and for those that are curious, the repetitive life cycle of an author is this: Stage One: Surround yourself with pens and notebooks, daydream a lot. Stage Two: Surround yourself with cups of tea, pages of notes, and type it all up. Stage Three: Surround yourself with highlighter pens and post-it notes, and edit the work. Stage Four: Go back to Stage One. So I’m firmly entrenched in Stage One again, leaving a trail of ink stains and doodles in my wake.

I live in Canterbury with my partner Kieran, and our cat, Squeek. When I’m not writing, chances are I’m either watching Neighbours, ordering my cat down from the tree opposite my house, going to car boot sales, or watching a live band down my local pub.