Tiffani Angus
- Literature & Fiction
- > American Literature
- > Erotic Literature & Fiction
- > Erotica Collections & Anthologies
- > Genre Literature & Fiction
- > Horror Literature & Fiction
- > Ghost Fiction
- > Horror Anthologies
- > Short Stories & Anthologies
- > Short Stories Anthologies
- Reference
- > Writing, Research & Publishing
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- > Authorship Reference
- > Writing Reference
- Science Fiction & Fantasy
- > Fantasy
- > Fantasy Anthologies
- > Historical
- > Science Fiction
- > Exploration Science Fiction
- > Science Fiction Anthologies
Tiffani Angus, PhD, is co-author of the BSFA awards-finalist Spec Fic for Newbies: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Subgenres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, which was also on the Locus Recommended Reading List. Her debut novel, the historical fantasy Threading the Labyrinth, was a finalist for the British Science Fiction Association and British Fantasy Society Best Novel awards. A Clarion 2009 graduate and a former academic who spent a decade teaching writing at universities in the US and UK, she’s also published short fiction in a variety of genres. She’s a freelance editor/proofreader and lives in Bury St Edmunds with her partner.