Simon Edge

Simon Edge is a satirical novelist, best known for The End of the World is Flat, described by Matthew Parris in The Times as ‘a satire of Swiftian ferocity’. His follow-up, In the Beginning, was described in The Spectator as ‘a nifty satire’ in which ‘Edge has created a fictional popular lunacy to expose exactly how such human madnesses occur’.

His earlier fiction was based on historical subjects: The Hopkins Conundrum, about poet Gerard Manley Hopkins; A Right Royal Face-Off, about the rivalry between the artists Gainsborough and Reynolds; and Anyone for Edmund?, which used the story of England’s former patron saint, St Edmund, as the springboard for a satire on political deception. The i Paper said: ‘Edge’s sharp-edged political comedy is guaranteed to have you laughing out loud.’

His second novel, The Hurtle of Hell, was praised by The Lady as ‘a clever and enchanting fable’. Having read philosophy at Cambridge, Edge started his career as a journalist. He edited the newspaper Capital Gay and was then on staff at the Evening Standard and the Daily Express. He has an MA in Creative Writing from City University in London, where he also taught. He lives in Suffolk, England.